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41 Chelmer St E
Chelmer, QLD, 4068

07 3379 5528

Contact Club


Sherwood Magpies AUSTRALIAN Football Club

41 Chelmer St East

Chelmer QLD 4068

For General football Enquiries

For function & clubhouse enquiries

general enquiries & sponsorship

Andrew Thomson - president

pHONE: 0403 066 382

qafl senior coach

brett mcevoy

pHONE: 0404 030 547

clubhouse operations manager

peter radcliffe - director

pHONE: 0431 093 588

recruitment manager

paul grentell

pHONE: 0423 293 770

football director

Andrew Thomson

PHONE: 0403 066 382

female football director

laura archer

phone: 0401 337 040

senior womens coach

lucas jackson

phone: 0421 386 414

Junior & Youth Football Enquiries


phone: 0401 627 885


General Club Enquiries


Membership Enquiries