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41 Chelmer St E
Chelmer, QLD, 4068

07 3379 5528

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The Sherwood Football Club have a proud history of Senior Women’s Football dating back to 1970 when they took on Western Districts in an annual clash that continued for many years. After a hiatus for over 20 years, a Senior team was again established in 2005 and continued until 2010 before the floods of 2011 wiped out the club and put enormous pressure on infrastructure, facilities and club finances. Many of the players of that era have gone on to become elite players in the AFLW and QAFLW.

There was another attempt in 2014 to find a permanent home with the team re-established before the entire team was again lured to a nearby club boasting superior facilities and support structures. As the the game exploded in popularity in the female space with the launch of AFLW, Sherwood ensured they upgraded facilities and established support structures and networks in place before once again applying for a license for female football to compete in the QFAW in the 2020 season.

This license was granted by AFL Queensland in February 2020 much to the delight of the entire Sherwood Football Club Community and we now again have fantastic numbers in a great Senior Women’s Footy Culture that is here to stay.

In 2020, the team bowed out in the Preliminary Final and then in 2021 went one better as the QFAW Div 2 Premiers in our 2nd season back.

Since 2022, Sherwood have fielded both Seniors & Reserves teams in the QFAW Division 1 Competition playing finals and/or Grand Finals in each of those completed seasons and winning the QFAW Division 1 Senior Premiership in 2024

Training Details:

Monday & Wednesday Nights - 615pm-730pm @ Sherwood Football Club


Female Football Director - Laura Archer - 0401 337 040 -


President - Andrew Thomson - 0403 066 382 -

50 Years of Senior Women’s Football at Sherwood

2020 Senior Team

2020 Senior Team

1970 Senior Team

1970 Senior Team