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41 Chelmer St E
Chelmer, QLD, 4068

07 3379 5528

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QAFL Men's

Western Magpies AFC Senior Squad 19.jpg

QAFL Men’s Football is the Queensland State League, featuring many future and former AFL Listed footballers, it is an elite mens competition featuring teams from Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast.

The QAFL is more than just the elite semi-amateur competition in South East Queensland, it is also an integral part of the junior talent pathway for young footballers looking to reach the highest level their talent and determination can take them.

Sherwood Districts Australian Football Club (Sherwood Magpies) compete in the QAFL fielding Seniors, Reserves, Colts and also field a side in the QFA which is nominally the Sherwood Magpies 3rds.

Sherwood run a professional football program employing not only a head coach complimented by a series of line coaches, but also specialist sports physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, strength & conditioning coach and a professional player welfare officer. The Magpies are also the only QAFL Club to have an official Club Doctor.

An established past player network known as the Grey Magpies also offer welfare services, professional mentorship and other services as appropriate to the club as a whole.

President & Football Director - Andrew Thomson - 0403 066 382 -

Senior Coach - Brett McEvoy - 0404 030 547 -

Assistant Coaches & Development Coaches - John Soccio, Kim Beasland, Anthony Corrie, Charlie Cameron, Bruce Reville, Nick Barling, Todd Reid

Reserves Coach: Dale Simmons - 0427 150 828

Colts (u19s) Coach: Damian Haber - 0409 516 421

Club Physio - Lindsay Trigar - 0418 501 483 - Trigar Physiotherapy

Rehab gym and treatment rooms on-site at Sherwood Magpies

Club Doctor - Dr. Greg Thompson - 0409 722 127 - Bardon Rainworth Medical Centre

Strength, Conditioning & Exercise Physiology - Cody Fullarton - 0413 413 587 - Ignite Physical Performance

On-site gym at Sherwood Magpies
